First Book

        The first book I remember reading was a biography of Harriet Tubman. I believe I was in 1st or 2nd grade and reading was not something I yet enjoyed. However, I did love our classes weekly visit to the school library. The librarian, a gentleman who could have been 35 or 105 wore brown, wing tipped shoes and read to us in a deep monotone reserved for elementary school librarians. The children would then fight to borrow the book the librarian just shilled, but I would always go to my favorite, Harriet Tubman. I do not recall exactly how many times I borrowed it. I just know that I read it and re read it each time. As a well established "chatter box" who had been relegated to the "talking chair" many times I shared my wealth of knowledge of Ms. Tubman with anyone who would listen. It was this habit that finally broke me from borrowing this book, as my mother had heard enough. Had I borrowed it 3 times or 30 I am not sure, but my mother put her foot down and insisted I borrow different books each week. Though her insistence  may not have been altruistic, I am thankful for her suggestion to seek new adventures and open myself to other amazing people. Of course Harriet Tubman will always have a special place in my heart.


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